Sunday, August 24, 2008

Reading at the beach

Today is Sunday; it was very relaxing. I slep in a bit to wake up with a pleasant surprise. Emily made pancakes, so that was so very nice of her! The day couldn't have started any better. After I read a bit from the book Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer from the Twilight Saga, I did some homework reading. While in the middle of reading the article for class, I decided to join some friends at the beach to read out there. It was so relaxing and the reading was even more interesting now that I was in the environment that the article was about. The article discusses the characteristics that make the Norwegian national identity, and why it is constantly changing. In the article, immigration played a big role and of course I was really interested. I was also very excited when I recognized some anthropologists that the article mentioned that I had learned about in ANTH375 last fall. Inger (our professor for this program in Norway) was right, this is a great article to start the program.

As for the Twilight Saga, I absolutely love it! My co-worker Erin introduced me to the saga and I was curious. Who wouldn't be when it comes to vampires, werewolves and a human girl? So I started read it and I just fell in love with the story. I am now on the third book and it's getting even better. I also spent some time looking at information about the movie production of the first book Twilight. It seems really cool, but I'm wondering if it's anything like the book. Your senses are utilized differently when reading a book than when watching a movie, so I'm a bit curious as to how the production will come out. I saw some behind the scenes and preview trailers, and I think I would like it. However, some characters I thought the casting could be a bit better. The character of Alice, one of the Cullen family (good "vegetarian" vampire) could have been younger. I expected Alice to be about 16 looking, but the actress for the part of Alice looked older to me. I also imagined Emmett to be bigger and more muscular from what I read. Dr. Cullen and Esme seemed about right. Rosalie and Jasper seemed about right, however I wasn't sure what to expect for what Jasper looked like. The nomadic vampires and Charlie seemed to fit what I had imagined also, but I didn't expect for Laurent to be black. I thought that Victoria was PERFECT! I didn't see Jacob, which was disapointing since I was really excited to see who was casted for Jacob. Now, for the two most important characters: Edward and Bella. I thought of Edward as a bit more built or taller. I can see how he could fit as Edward, but I expected him to be a bit different. As for Bella, I expected her to be more fragile looking and voice to be softer. I am a bit disappointed with the actress for Bella, just because I had a different image of her, but I think that for what the author described, that actress would suffice. So, that was my moment of obsession over the Twilight Saga. It is now time for bed. I have my first class for Society and Culture tomorrow! I am so excited to hear what everyone else thought about the article!

P.S. If you are reading this, I would appreciate it if you left a comment, just so I know that people are reading my blog.


cwg said...

I'm reading. Your write more than Em does. Keep it up, hope your having a great time. Take care of her for me, not that she needs it.

Olesya said...

I'm reading too! I love it how you write everything like a real diary! This way I can stay in touch with your thoughts and what you're doing. Wo Ai Ni wo de lao po!