Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Things aren't endig the way I thought they would. Funny how that is because it never is the way I think it would be or should be, but I always anticipate. Silly of me to do that, right?

And I've been having strange dreams about random things lately, for the past few nights in the past few weeks. I want to understand what those dreams are and why I have them, I can't even seem to remember or make out what happened in almost all of them, let alone try to understand. I know that these dreams are not good dreams though, so that's what concerns me. It's been making me uneasy. Hopefully, it's just me being homesick. That should be a simple enough reason.

Aside from that, last weekend was really fun. Glenn and Peter had their birthday parties together on Friday night. Saturday night was the Christmas/goodbye party for international students. That was really fun too. I had an excuse to wear something pretty. Here are the pictures: Click me!


Anonymous said...

Hi Makara,
can't say much about the significance of your dreams but make sure you rest well and do not get stressed, and I'm sure you'll be fine >:)

By the way, thanks for leaving a greeting in my guest book. That was more than one month ago, I'm a bit late at responding.. busy days! Sounds like you're busy too :). Funny enough, I found your blog quite randomly because I was searching for pictures from Hamar or something like that. I like coincidences that bring strangers together ;-)

Elena said...

Makara, I really like reading your blog :)