Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Obama's victory, gay marriage ban

I'm happy that Obama won. Mainly because of the symbolic change, among other reasons. However, the victory of gay marriage ban in many states is upseting. For those who have gotten married, I would imagine it to be something like giving slaves their freedom and then to revoke that right. That's how I feel about the results, simply stated.


Anonymous said...

i think comparing slavery to Homosexuality is an ABOMINATION!

Anonymous said...


overstepping the boundary in a big way there. I am happy with the overturn of Prop. 8. American is finally realizing the sanctity of marriage. Letting gays get married takes away from the importance of heterosexual marriage.

Kenia Soares said...

nothing of preconceptions, each one body marriage with who to want!

Anonymous said...

My response to comments:

I am not in any way saying that homosexuality and slavery are similar or the same. I am simply saying that the act having been given rights, and then having it taken away is cruel. I am simply illustrating with a scenario.

Also, by separating the legitimacy and importance of marriage between homosexuals and heterosexual, they are not receiving equal treatment. Why should homosexuals be discriminated against? Are they any less of a person? Homosexuals of the are citizens and people who deserve to live with the same rights as any other citizen. Plus, the importance of marriage is within the individual couples, and is not determined by others.

Anonymous said...

They are equal people, but the right of marriage is something that is historically and presently defined as strictly between a man and a woman. The rights may be given, but not wit the title of marriage. If it is called marriage, it is saying that the historical sanctity of a marriage between a man and a woman is the same as between two homosexuals. This is not true. Come up with a different word for it, fine, but it is not marriage. Even our president elect, the man with the most liberal voting record to ever run for president, is against gay marriage. That must have helped with the gay marriage bans. Even liberal democrats are realizing that it is not right to call the bonds between two homosexuals and the bonds between a man and a woman the same, because they are not.

Anonymous said...

Marriage between a man and a woman is of course a pretty important thing because it creates children and - ideally, hopefully - stable homes for said children. As a society we've only just started to figure out how to let gay couples have children and whether we trust them to bring up any :-p

I think male/female marriage is a special and important institution. On the other hand when I hear arguments that go "allowing gay marriage changes the value/importance of heterosexual marriage" I look at the person saying that and just go what? Because speaking for me personally, my (heterosexual) marriage and my relationship to my wife has a lot of value and significance, and nothing others decide or laws that are passed are really going to affect that! My marriage being less "important" because of some law? What a joke!