Saturday, October 4, 2008


I've been looking at pictures from the past, and it's making me very nostalgic. I've been missing people that I'm close to, but now I'm starting to miss many people from high school and the fun times. Even though I wasn't really close friends with many people, and didn't spend much time with anyone outside of school, I still miss many many people. If any of you from KM are reading this, I MISS YOU!

Also, I've been doing lots of reading and no drama watching. All week, I haven't seen much of my Chinese/Taiwanese shows, and now that I've pretty finished with most of my reading and taking a break, I don't have much to do without those dramas. I've realized how much my life has been revolving around watching dramas. I'm wondering if that is healthy because I'm basically escaping reality when I watch dramas, which is a lot of the time. I should find some other activity besides watching dramas to occupy my time. It might be healthier. I should look more into the presidential elections. Yes, I will do that.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i totally made a blogger to. lmao. just cos i have no life. heeheheehe.