Monday, October 27, 2008

HSM3 & Fun in Lillehamar

I just watched HSM3... and I'm so emotional!!! Since it won't be in theaters when I get back to the states, I HAD to watch it online, and now I'm missing everyone so much!! It brought back so much fun memories of high school, and my attachment with the HSM movies just make it worse because I LOVE them! Anyway, I'm excited to buy the dvd when it comes out! Then my collection will be complete!! Wow, I'm a really big dork, but that's ok with me!

On Saturday, a few of us wanted to spend some time in Lillehamar. We had decided to go to the event at Nansen called Open Day, which was a fundraising event to set up a school in Croatia... I think... I'm not 100% sure, but it was a fundraising event. And since we were there, we decided to see the town and the 1996 winter Olympic sites. So we did, and here are the pictures! Going up the steps for the ski jump was my workout for the next month!! It was crazy! But crazy fun!

Click here for pictures

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