Wednesday, September 24, 2008


This morning is the coldest morning that I have experienced here in Norway so far. The fog is so thick that when I took out the trash, I felt like I was walking into a cold steam room rather than outside. When I breathed out, it wasn't just a gush of smoke that came out. This gush of smoke was thick and wet, almost as if I had spit out and not simply exhaled.

I am now in the school library. I came to school early today because I needed to scan some of my notes so that they all could be in one place on my laptop. I've experienced the magic of Microsoft Office OneNote and I LOVE IT! So now, I'm taking all of my notes on my laptop on OneNote and it's so perfectly convenient. I can flip my laptop screen around and down to write as if it were a notebook or I can just type like a normal laptop. This is the reason why I'm scanning all of my notes in. Before I discovered the magic of OneNote, I had written my notes. Now to keep it all in one place, I just have to scan and put them in OneNote. It's amazing.

Well I've got 10 minutes until my class starts, so I better get going or I'll be late!

P.S. Since I've discovered the scanner and figured out how to use it (easy since it was in English), I can scan my drawing (that is still not finished... sad).

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